Do you have a network of customers, contacts or leads that you’d like to engage with more effectively?
They may not be ready to buy or sell yet, but you want them to think of YOU just as soon as they are!
How great will your relationship be with them if you can provide added ‘value’ that others’ don’t offer.
And how awesome would it be for you too if just a few became inspired to invest in property?
This opportunity is available to accredited agents and property managers…
Rachel Barnes could be speaking at your Networking evening to inform and inspire your guests about the benefits she and her partner have had, through their property investments.
Her presentation is totally independent, and will show case studies of some of her deals but also cover the basics of a few other investment strategies, to illustrate how different properties can suit different people.
Imagine the benefit and respect you’ll get when Rachel announces to the audience that you’re a qualified Investor Friendly Agent / Property Manager who understands what Investors are looking for and can help them more effectively than your average Agent. She can tell them how worlds apart you are to the’ normal’ agent, and how you’ve invested in your own training to help them.
Complete the following Contact Us form to express an interest in having a workshop held in your locality.
If you’re looking to expand your network even more, check out our ‘Great Real Estate Debate‘ event option.