The Great Real Estate Debate – Feel the Heat!
Imagine the heated debate when you mix Agents and Investors to find out if …
‘Buyers are Liars’
Who will win this Great Debate – the team for the Affirmative or the team for the Negative?
Come along to find out which team wins and enjoy Supper and Stimulating Conversation.
You could be an Investor looking for the right contacts to help you source a property or sell a property.
You could be an Agent looking to connect with Sellers and Buyers.
You could be a Finance Broker, Buyers Agent, Renovator, Interior Designer, Developer …..
We’re bringing Real Estate Agents, Buyers Agents, Property Investors and other Property Professionals together in one room and having some TOP key industry professionals from each side of the arena debate this very controversial statement ..Buyers are Liars.
Come along and connect with Agents and Investors and other Property Professionals to enjoy this revolutionary FUN and RELEVANT networking event where TOP property focussed people meet!
Beware – you will learn while you enjoy the debate, because whatever side you are on now, the benefit of understanding how the other person thinks in any negotiation or business relationship is paramount to making it a profitable partnership or transaction.
It’s time to build bridges and business relationships … AND have some FUN !!
Seating is limited and bookings are essential…
If you are still reading this thinking you’ll get back to booking later – can I suggest that you would be wasting your valuable time. Finding the information in your inbox, getting back to the website, reading it again and having to devote more headspace to it is a waste of effort! you know you’re busy and if you’re going to do it eventually, you might as well do it immediately – just Book NOW.
Still reading? Perhaps you’re thinking you’ll wait and see if something better comes up. Unless you’re expecting the birth of a child, I’d say NOTHING BETTER will come up 🙂 If someone wants to meet you that evening, then get them to book and come too! Just BOOK for two now.
DO NOT MISS THIS EVENT. It will never be the same again. We have such amazing people on the Debating team. For example, the awesome Tim O’Dwyer from Brisbane will be heading one of the teams. As a Notary, Solicitor, Consumer Advocate and regular contributing writer for Australian Property Investor magazine this ‘Contract Killer’ is sure to bring some heat to the debate!
Another dynamic debater who makes more money in one renovation than most people make in a whole year, is Bernadette Janson from The School of Renovation. Will Bernadette be on the affirmative or negative team? Come and find out and have some fun…
Click here for more Info and to Book
Look forward to meeting you soon!
Here’s some of the Facebook comments we had from the inaugural event in Brisbane ..
Carla Billinghurst, Kim Martens, Lucinda Starr and 24 others like this.
Terri M Cooper
I want to know who won!
Rachel Barnes You’ve got a 50% chance of being right – the negatives won!! Apparently Buyers are NOT liars in Brisbane
Dianne Andrews Casley-Smith
Yes, it was fun! Great people there and a wonderful opportunity for some valuable net-working. An excellent and creative way to get some agents and investors together.
Vivienne Halliday
Awesome night Rachel well done lots of networking and catching up as well as a few laughs at the debating. Well done to the debating team as well and our super mc Kevin Turner
Kevin Turner
Congratulations Rachel Barnes A great concept and I am sure it will do well as you take it around Australia. Although the negatives won – “buyers are NOT liars” the affirmative team put up a great argument especially the case studies by Chris Warren from Remax Australia A very entertaining evening!
Terri M Cooper
Love to come along next time! Well done Rachel
Melanie MacDonald
Well done Rachel it was a great evening. And nice work by Dianne and Vivienne helping you! (And of course the very talented debaters and mc)