My name is Rachel Barnes, and I'm on a crusade to unite the best real estate professionals and property investors in the country to help them achieve bigger results together.

Over the last 16 years I've built a successful career as a property investor, author, entrepreneur and speaker in the real estate arena. What originally started as a fun and financially rewarding side project for me quickly turned into a full-time job which I loved. My portfolio included 75 properties purchased in 64 months in 3 different countries around the world.

I love empowering people around me and connecting them with their own financial goals, which is why after achieving incredible success with my own investing, I started sharing my passion with others. I've now spent the last 9 years (7 of those with the amazing Property Women group) teaching and mentoring young and 'mature' investors on how to grow successful portfolios of their own.

As well as seeing many things in the industry that have worked well and have contributed to my success, I also noticed some big areas in the market that needed to be improved, which is what led me to start Investor Friendly Agents.

Revolutionary Training For Real Estate Professionals

A few years ago some very proactive real estate agents asked to start listing my properties. I desperately wanted to give them a go, but when I did I soon realised that they didn't really know how to help me - not because they weren't capable, but because they didn't have the skills and knowledge required to truly help property investors save time and increase profit.

This is crazy because I knew that agents and investors working together produce astronomical results.

There are a lot of beliefs in the real estate industry about how investors are difficult to work with, how agents waste time, how investors don't trust easily - but the reason for this is real estate professionals haven't been trained to work with investors.

So I started Investor Friendly Agents on a dedicated mission: to build bridges between these two camps by providing fun, effective and engaging training for real estate teams, a working directory of accredited agents for investors, private investor coaching as well as helpful products and networking events to bring everyone together.

If you're serious about taking your career (and the careers of your team) to the next level, talk to me today about how Investor Friendly Agents can help.